MLB The Show 23: How to make Stubs quickly in Diamond Dynasty

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In MLB The Show 23 and Diamond Dynasty, money — which is called Stubs — will be important for anyone looking to improve the roster. If you’re looking for a little bit of help trying to make Stubs in MLB The Show 23, we can be of assistance. Here’s are five tips that you should keep in mind, if you’re looking to make Stubs in Diamond Dynasty.

Related: MLB The Show 23: What are Core cards in Diamond Dynasty?

Work the market

One of the first tips that we can give you is to work the market. What we mean by this is simple: find players that can be had for a low price, and then flipped for a higher price. Diamond Dynasty flipping, though, is a bit easier than other sports games’ CCG modes. This is because San Diego Studios does a relatively good job of giving players the ability to accumulate packs and players.

If you’re looking to make a quick buck — or Stub, to be more precise — in Diamond Dynasty, be on the lookout for Supercharged players. Supercharged players are Live Series cards that are temporarily boosted. Because most Supercharged players will be just as good, if not better, than Flashbacks or Legends, any extra copies of said cards can usually be sold for a higher-than-usual past.

Grind in Events

Diamond Dynasty Events are limited-time PvP events, in which users must play and win games using specific requirements for roster construction. Traditionally, players who accumulate wins in Events are subject to receive packs, XP, and even Events-exclusive cards. Not only are these Events great for adding some high-overall cards to the collection, but are also a good source for extra packs.

Take a trip back in time

Moments are another way that users can get Stubs on the quickly. Each time a Moment is completed, a Stub reward will be awarded. Usually, the award will only be about 250 or 500 Stubs. But, all those Moments will add up over time.

Look at the Programs

We can’t stress the importance of Programs in MLB The Show 23, whether it be a Season program or an Other program that will last for most of the game’s lifecycle. Program rewards can include a ton of packs, all of which can can include cards that can be sold for a fair amount of money. Additionally, Programs do feature straight Stub rewards that can be obtained just by hitting the required Star Point or XP requirement.

Don’t neglect Collections

Live Series and Set-based Collection do offer a fair amount of Stub rewards, just for collecting cards. Now, keep in mind that several of the Live Series collections, at least in regards to the premium teams like the Mets and Angels, won’t be cheap to complete. But, several of the cheaper Live Series collections like the Athletics or Nationals should actually reward players with Stubs rewards close to, or the same amount as required to complete it. If you’re just starting out in Diamond Dynasty, Collections should be one of the first places you should direct your attention towards.